Kenangan Terindah...

Kenangan Terindah...

Yana & Hafiz

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Wedding - Legal Procedures

So, the date chosen was 2nd May 2009. All the preparation was done by me, Hafiz, my family & my friends. We started the preparation in Dec 2008. I browsed the JAIS website to get all the info. Hey.. I got more than just information… I can download the forms & the procedures.. hehe…

here's the 'Senarai Semak & Prosedur Permohonan Nikah Bagi Perempuan'

The guy has to submit his application to his PAID, and after he got the approval he has to pass his approved application to the bride-to-be. Then the bride-to be has to submit her application together with the groom’s approved application. Once everything is completed, PAID will granted the approval for Akad Nikah. This approval is only valid for 3 months from the date of approval granted by the PAID.